Arcgis 10 Engine Developer Kit License

  1. Arcgis License Manager 10.5
  2. Arcgis Engine 10
  3. Arcgis 10 Engine Developer Kit License Key
  4. Arcgis Engine 10.4 Download
  5. Hover Engine Developer Kit

The ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit is a component-based software development product for building and deploying custom GIS and mapping applications for developers. It provides visual components, samples, tools, wizards, templates, object application programming interfaces (APIs), and help topics that enable developers to build sophisticated GIS.

  1. Arcgis engine developer kit license 10.2. More Intel(R) Management Engine Components 1831.12.0.1156. - 4MB - Freeware - Intel Management Engine Components is a bundle of software that enables special features present inside the Management Engine (ME), which is an engine which works integrated with Intel processor and Intel processor.
  2. As a developer, you may already be aware that you require a ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit License to develop applications that embed ArcGIS Engine Controls such as SceneControl, GlobeControl, TOCControl and ToolbarControl. At ArcGIS 10, you require a ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit License to include MapControl and PageLayoutControl as well.
This document was published with and applies to ArcGIS 9.3.
A 10 version also exists. A 9.2 version also exists.
Summary The goal of this walkthrough is to demonstrate and familiarize you with the steps required to develop and deploy a geographic information system (GIS) application using the standard ArcGIS Engine controls in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET application programming interface (API). The scenario uses the LicenseControl, MapControl, PageLayoutControl, TOCControl, ToolbarControl, SymbologyControl and Control commands in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment.

Click here to get the sample associated with this walkthrough.

Development licensingDeployment licensing
Engine Developer KitEngine Runtime

Additional Requirements
  • While no experience with other ESRI software is required, previous experience with ArcObjects and a basic understanding of ArcGIS applications, such as ArcMap and ArcCatalog are recommended.
  • Access to the sample data and code that comes with this scenario.

This document demonstrates the steps required to create a GIS application for viewing pre-authored ESRI map documents (*.mxd).


This scenario is implemented using the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment and uses the ESRI interop assemblies to host the ArcGIS Engine controls inside .NET Windows controls in a .NET form. These interoperability assemblies act as a bridge between the unmanaged code of the Component Object Model (COM) and the managed .NET code. Any references to the members of the COM ArcGIS Engine controls are routed to the interop assemblies and forwarded to the actual COM object. Likewise, responses from the COM object are routed to the interop assembly and forwarded to the .NET application. Each ArcGIS Engine control has events, properties, and methods that can be accessed once embedded within a container, such as a .NET form. The objects and functionality in each control can be combined with other ESRI ArcObjects and custom controls to create customized end user applications.
The scenario has been written in both C# and Visual Basic .NET. Many developers will feel more comfortable with Visual Basic .NET, as the code looks familiar to Visual Basic 6.0, while the syntax of the C# programming language will be familiar to Java and C++ programmers. Whichever development environment you use, your future success with the ArcGIS Engine controls depends on your skill in both the programming environment and ArcObjects.
The MapControl, PageLayoutControl, TOCControl and ToolbarControl are used in this scenario to provide the user interface of the application, and the LicenseControl is used to configure the application with an appropriate license. The ArcGIS Engine controls are used in conjunction with other ArcObjects and control commands by the developer to create a GIS map viewing application.


The scenario has been designed to highlight how the ArcGIS Engine controls interact with each other and to expose a part of each ArcGIS Engine control's object model to the developer.
Each .NET ArcGIS Engine control has a set of property pages that can be accessed once the control is embedded in a .NET form. These property pages provide shortcuts to a selection of a control's properties and methods and allow a developer to build an application without writing any code. This scenario does not use the property pages but rather builds up the application programmatically.
The ArcGIS Engine controls and libraries used in this scenario are as follows:
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.AxControls
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.Display
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.Output
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.System
  • ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI
The ESRI.ArcGIS.AxControls .NET Framework component represents each control that is hosted in a .NET form, while the ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls assembly contains the object and interfaces from inside each control's type library.
The following implementation provides you with all the necessary code to successfully complete the scenario. It does not provide step-by-step instructions to develop applications in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, as it assumes that you already have a working knowledge of the development environment.
Loading the ArcGIS Engine controls
Before you start programming your application, the ArcGIS Engine controls and the other ArcGIS Engine assembly references that the application will use should be loaded into the development environment.
  1. Start Visual Studio .NET and create either a new Visual C# or Visual Basic Windows Application project from the New Project dialog box.
  2. Name the project Controls and browse to a location to save the project.
  3. In the Toolbox click ArcGIS Windows Forms to display the ArcGIS Engine controls. If there is no ArcGIS Windows Forms, right-click the Toolbox and click Choose Items from the context menu.
  4. In the Choose Toolbox Items dialog box, click the .NET Framework Components tab and check AxLicenseControl, AxMapControl, AxPageLayoutControl, AxTOCControl, and AxToolbarControl, then click OK. The controls will now appear in the Toolbox. See the following screen shot:
  1. Click the Project menu and click Add ArcGIS Reference.
  2. In the Add ArcGIS Reference dialog box, double-click ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF, ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry, ESRI.ArcGIS.Output, ESRI.ArcGIS.System, and ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI to select them, then click Finish. See the following screen shot:
The ESRI .NET assemblies will be used to instantiate and make calls on the objects in the ESRI object libraries from your C# or VB.NET project using the COM interoperability services provided by the .NET Framework.
Embedding the ArcGIS Engine controls in a container
Before you can access each control's properties, methods, and events, each control needs embedding in a .NET container. Once the controls are embedded in the form, they will shape the application's user interface.
  1. Rename the .NET form from Form1 to MapViewer.
  2. Open the .NET form in design mode.
  3. Double-click MenuStrip under Menus & Toolbars in the Toolbox.
  4. Double-click LicenseControl under ArcGIS Windows Forms in the Toolbox to add a LicenseControl onto the form.
  5. Repeat to add the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, TOCControl, and ToolbarControl.
  6. Resize and reposition each control on the form as shown in the following screen shot:
  1. Double-click the form to display the form's code window. Add using directives or import statements in the following code example to the top of the code window:
In .NET a variable is fully-qualified using a namespace. Namespaces are a concept in .NET that allow objects to be organized hierarchically, regardless of the assembly they are defined in. To make code simpler and more readable, the directives act as shortcuts when referencing items specified in namespaces.
If you start by typing ESRI., the autocompletion feature of IntelliSense allows you to complete the next section of code by pressing the Tab key.
Remember that C# is case sensitive. By default, when the project is created, C# will add some using directives to some of the system namespaces.

To successfully deploy this application on another machine, the application must configure a license. First, it must check that a product license is available and second, it must initialize the product license. If this license configuration fails, the application cannot run. License configuration can be performed either by using the LicenseControl or by programmatically using the AoInitialize object. For the purpose of this application, the LicenseControl will be used to handle license configuration.
When developing a stand-alone executable using ArcObjects, it is the responsibility of the application to check and configure the licensing options. A license can be configured using either the LicenseControl or the AoInitialize class and the IAoInitialize interface it implements, that is designed to support license configuration. License initialization must be performed at application start time, before any ArcObjects functionality is accessed. Failure to do so will result in application errors.
  1. Open the .NET form in design mode.
  2. Right-click the LicenseControl and click ActiveX-Properties to open the LicenseControl property pages.
  3. Under Products, select the ArcGIS Engine check box and select Shutdown this application if the selected licenses are not available check box, then click OK. See the following screen shot:
The LicenseControl will appear on a form at design time so that it can be selected and its property pages viewed. However, at run time the LicenseControl is invisible so its position on the form is irrelevant.
This application can be initialized with an ArcGIS Engine license but you may optionally initialize the application with a higher product license. For example, if you select the ArcGIS Engine license and the ArcView license check boxes, the LicenseControl will initially try to initialize the application with an ArcGIS Engine license (the lower license). If that license is not available, the LicenseControl will try to initialize the application with an ArcView license (the next higher level license selected). If no product licenses are available, then the application will fail to initialize.
In this application the LicenseControl will handle license initialization failure. If the application cannot be initialized with an ArcGIS Engine product license, a License Failure dialog box appears before the application is automatically shut down. Alternatively, a developer can handle license initialization failure using the ILicenseControl interface members to obtain information on the nature of the failure before the application is programmatically shut down.
Loading map documents into the PageLayoutControl and MapControl
Individual data layers or pre-authored map documents can be loaded into the MapControl and PageLayoutControl. You can either load the sample map document that is provided or you can load your own map document. Later, you will add a command to browse to a map document.
  1. Select the Form_Load event and enter the code in the following code example (you may need to alter the relative path to the map document or substitute the file name if you are using your own map document):

  1. Display the form in design mode and select axPageLayoutControl1 from the Properties window and display the PageLayoutControl events. Double-click the OnPageLayoutReplaced event to add an event handler to the code window. See the following screen shot:
  1. In the PageLayoutControl_OnPageLayoutReplaced event, enter the following code to load the same map document into the MapControl. The OnPageLayoutReplaced event will be triggered whenever a document is loaded into the PageLayoutControl.


Arcgis License Manager 10.5

Setting the TOCControl and ToolbarControl buddy controls
For the purpose of this application, the TOCControl and ToolbarControl will work in conjunction with the PageLayoutControl, rather than the MapControl. To do this, the PageLayoutControl must be set as the buddy control. The TOCControl uses the buddy control's ActiveView to populate itself with maps, layers, and symbols, while any command, tool, menu or palette items present on the ToolbarControl will interact with the buddy control's display.
  1. In the Form_Load event, type the following code before the load document code:

  1. Build and run the application. The map document is loaded into the PageLayoutControl and the TOCControl lists the data layers in the map document. Use the TOCControl to toggle layer visibility by selecting and deselecting the check boxes. By default, the focus map of the map document is loaded into the MapControl. At this point, the ToolbarControl is empty because no commands have been added to it. Try resizing the form and note that the controls do not change size. See the following screen shot:
Handling form resize
When the form is resized at run time, the PageLayoutControl and MapControl do not automatically resize. To resize the controls so that they always fill the extent of the form, you must anchor the controls to the form. If the PageLayoutControl or MapControl contain a lot of data, redrawing this data while the form is resized can be costly. To increase performance, you can suppress the data redraw until the resizing is complete. During the resize a stretched bitmap will be drawn instead.
  1. Display the form in design mode and select axPageLayoutControl1 from the Properties window. Click the Anchor property and anchor the PageLayoutControl to the top, left, bottom, and right of the form. See the following screen shot:
  1. Repeat to anchor the MapControl to the top, left, and bottom of the form. See the following screen shot:
  1. Display the form in design mode and select the form from the Properties window and display the form events. Double-click the ResizeBegin event to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. In the Form_ResizeBegin event, enter the following code to draw a stretchy bitmap in the PageLayoutControl and MapControl whenever the form is resized:

  1. Display the form in design mode and select the form from the Properties window and display the form events. Double-click the ResizeEnd event to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. In the Form_ResizeEnd event, enter the following code to stop drawing a stretchy bitmap in the PageLayoutControl and MapControl:

  1. Build and run the application, then try to resize the form.
Adding commands to the ToolbarControl
ArcGIS Engine comes with more than 230 commands and tools that work directly with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, and ToolbarControl. These commands and tools provide you with a lot of frequently used GIS functionality for map navigation, map inquiry, graphics management, and feature selection. In addition, there are commands and tools to work with the ArcGIS Engine extensions. You will now add some of these commands and tools to your application to work with the PageLayoutControl.
  1. In the Form_Load event add the following code before the set buddy controls code:

  1. Build and run the application. The ToolbarControl now contains ArcGIS Engine commands and tools that you can use to navigate the map document loaded into the PageLayoutControl. Use the page layout commands to navigate around the actual page layout and the map commands to navigate around the data present in the data frames. Use the open document command to browse and load map documents and the add data command to browse and load data layers. See the following screen shot:
Creating a pop-up menu for the PageLayoutControl
In addition to adding ArcGIS Engine commands to the ToolbarControl to work with the buddy control (as in the previous step), you can also create pop-up menus and palettes from the ArcGIS Engine commands. You will add to your application, a pop-up menu that works with the PageLayoutControl. The pop-up menu will appear when you right-click the display area of the PageLayoutControl.
  1. Add the following member variable to the class:

  1. Add the following code to the Form_Load event after the code, add the commands to the ToolbarControl but before the set buddy controls code.

  1. Display the form in design mode, select axPageLayoutControl1 from the Properties window, and display the PageLayoutControl events. Double-click the OnMouseDown event to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. In the PageLayoutControl_OnMouseDown event, add the following code:

  1. Build and run the application. Right-click the PageLayoutControl's display area to show the pop-up menu and navigate around the page layout. See the following screen shot:
In addition to creating stand-alone pop-up menus and palettes to work with a control (as in the previous step), menus and palettes can be added to a ToolbarControl. You will create a palette containing some ArcGIS Engine commands and add it to the ToolbarControl.
  1. Add the following code to the Form_Load event before the add commands to the ToolbarMenu code.

  1. Build and run the application. Use the palette on the ToolbarControl to add graphic elements to the PageLayoutControl's display. See the following screen shot:
By default, the TOCControl allows users to automatically toggle the visibility of layers and to change the map and layer names that appear in the table of contents. You will add code to prevent users from editing a name and replacing it with an empty string.
  1. Add the following code to the beginning of the Form_Load event:

  1. Display the form in design mode, select axTOCControl1 from the Properties window, and display the TOCControl events. Double-click OnEndLabelEdit to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. Add the following code to the TOCControl_OnEndLabelEdit event:

  1. Build and run the application. To edit a map, layer, heading, or legend class label in the TOCControl, click it once, then click it a second time to invoke label editing. Try replacing the label with an empty string. You can press the Esc key at any time during the edit to cancel it. See the following screen shot:
Drawing shapes on the MapControl
You will now use the MapControl as an overview window and draw on its display the current extent of the focus map in the PageLayoutControl. As you navigate around the data in the data frame of the PageLayoutControl, you will see the MapControl overview window update.
  1. Add the following member variables to the class below the pop-up menu variable:

The variable declared as visBoundsUpdatedE is a delegate. A delegate is a class that can hold a reference to a specific method and link it to a specific event. The linking process between the event and the method is sometimes known in .NET as wiring.
  1. Create a new function called CreateOverviewSymbol. This is where you will create the symbol used in the MapControl to represent the extent of the data in the focus map of the PageLayoutControl. Add the following code to the function:

  1. Call the CreateOverviewSymbol function from the beginning of the Form_Load event. See the following code example:

  1. Add the following OnVisibleBoundsUpdated function. This function will be linked to an event raised when the extent of the map is changed, and is used to set the envelope to the new visible bounds of the map. By refreshing the MapControl, you force it to redraw the shape on its display.

  1. The default event interface of the PageLayoutControl is the IPageLayoutControlEvents. These events do not tell you when the extent of the map in a data frame changes. To enable this functionality, use the ITransformEvents interface of the PageLayoutControl's focus map. Add the following code to the PageLayoutControl_OnPageLayoutReplaced event handler before the load document code:

  1. Display the form in design mode and select axMapControl1 from the Properties window and display the MapControl events. Double-click OnAfterDraw to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. Add the following code to the MapControl_OnAfterDraw event handler to draw an envelope using the symbol you created previously onto the MapControl's display:

  1. Build and run the application. Use the map navigation tools that you added previously to change the extent of the focus map in the PageLayoutControl. The new extent is drawn on the MapControl. See the following screen shot:
Navigating around the focus map using the map navigation tools will change the extent of the focus map in the PageLayoutControl and cause the MapControl to update. Navigating around the page layout with the page layout navigation tools will change the extent of the page layout (not the extent of the focus map in the PageLayoutControl), so the MapControl will not update.
Creating custom commands and tools to work with the MapControl and PageLayoutControl is very similar to creating commands for the ESRI ArcMap application that you may have done previously. You will create a custom tool that adds a text element containing today's date to the PageLayoutControl at the location of a mouse click. However, you will create the command to work with the MapControl and ToolbarControl, as well as the PageLayoutControl.
  1. Choose Add, then New Project from the File menu.
  2. Choose the Class Library template from the ArcGIS Engine project types. Name the project Commands and click OK.
  3. In the ArcGIS Project Wizard, double-click ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto, ESRI.ArcGIS.Display, and ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry to add them to the selected assemblies, then click Finish.
  4. Delete Class1 from the Commands project.
  5. Choose Add New Item from the Project menu to add a new item to the Commands project.
  6. Choose the Base Tool template from the ArcGIS Engine category in the Add New Item dialog box.
  7. Name the tool AddDateTool and click Add to add it to the project.
  8. Click the ArcMap, MapControl, or PageLayoutControl Tool from the ArcGIS New Item Wizard Options dialog box and click OK.
The AddDateTool class inherits from the ESRI BaseTool abstract class. Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated and frequently contain only partial implementation code or no implementation at all. They are closely related to interfaces; however, they differ significantly from interfaces in that a class may implement any number of interfaces but it can inherit from only one abstract class. Inheriting the ESRI BaseCommand and BaseTool abstract classes will allow you to create commands and tools more quickly and simply than directly implementing the esriSystemUI ICommand and ITool interfaces.
The sealed class modifier in C# and the NotInheritable modifier in VB.NEt states that a class cannot be inherited from. As this class is not designed for this purpose, it is prudent to add this modifier to prevent other classes from inheriting this class.
  1. Add the following additional using directives or import statements to the class:

  1. Update the code in the AddDateTool class constructor as shown in the following code example:
The class constructor is a method that is called when the class is created. It can be used to set up members of the class. In C# the constructor method has the same name as the class. It differs from other methods in that it has no return type.
Instead of implementing the Bitmap, Caption, Category, Name, Message, and ToolTip methods individually, you can set the values that should be returned from these methods and rely on the BaseTool class to provide the implementation for these methods. The other members will be left to return the default values as implemented by the BaseTool class.

  1. Navigate to the overridden OnCreate method and look at the code.
The ICommand.OnCreate method is passed a handle or hook to the application that the command will work with. In this case, it can be a MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ToolbarControl, or the ArcMap application. Rather than adding code into the OnCreate method to determine the type of hook that is being passed to the command, the HookHelper is used to handle this. A command or tool needs to know how to handle the hook it gets passed, so a check is needed to determine the type of ArcGIS Engine control that has been passed. The HookHelper is used to hold the hook and return the ActiveView regardless of the type of hook (in this case a MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ToolbarControl, or ArcMap).
  1. Navigate to the overridden OnMouseDown event and add the following code:

ArcGIS Engine expects a custom command or tool to be a COM class; therefore, the .NET class you have created must be exposed as a COM class by creating a COM callable wrapper for it. The BaseTool has already provided the attributes and globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) required by COM in the class.
Arcgis 10 engine developer kit license key
The Commands project properties have also been automatically amended to set Register for COM Interop to true. Setting the Register for COM Interop property to true will invoke the Assembly Registration tool (Regasm.exe). This will add the information about the class to the registry that a COM client would expect to find.
Visual Studio .NET provides the ability to specify functions that execute when an assembly exposed for COM interop is registered and unregistered on a system. This allows you to register your class in a component category that the Customize dialog box will look for. The BaseTool has already provided these COM Registration Functions in the class and will register the tool with the ESRI Controls Commands and ESRI Mx Commands component categories. The ComVisible attribute is set to false to ensure that this method cannot be called directly by a COM client. It does not affect the method being called when the assembly is registered with COM.
  1. Build the Commands project.
  2. In the Controls Windows Application project that you created at the beginning of this scenario, add the following code before the ToolbarPalette code:

  1. Build and run the Controls project. See the following screen shot:
In addition to adding ArcGIS Engine commands and tools to the ToolbarControl in the Form_Load event, you can also add them by customizing the ToolbarControl at run time using the CustomizeDialog. To do this, you will place the ToolbarControl in customize mode and display the CustomizeDialog.
  1. Add the following member variables to the class:

  1. Create a new function called CreateCustomizeDialog. This is where you will create the Customize dialog box by adding the following code to the function:

  1. Call the CreateCustomizeDialog function from the beginning of the Form_Load event. See the following code example:

  1. Add a check box to the form, name it chkCustomize and give it the caption of Customize.
  2. Display the form in design mode and select chkCustomize from the Properties window and display the chkCustomize events. Double-click CheckedChanged to add an event handler to the code window.
  3. Add the following code to the chkCustomize_CheckedChanged event:

  1. Add the following OnStartDialog and OnCloseDialog event handlers. These functions will be wired to events raised whenever the Customize dialog box is opened or closed.

  1. Build and run the application. Check the Customize control to put the ToolbarControl into customize mode and to open the Customize dialog box.
  2. On the Commands tab select the Graphic Element category and double-click the Select Elements command to add it to the ToolbarControl. Right-click an item on the ToolbarControl to adjust its appearance in terms of style and grouping. See the following screen shot:
  1. Stop customizing the application. Use the select tool to move the text element containing today's date.
The contents of a ToolbarControl can be persisted into a user's profile when an application exits to preserve any customizations made to the ToolbarControl by the end user. An application can load the persisted contents back into the ToolbarControl at application start time. You will persist the contents of the ToolbarControl into a file located in the same directory as the applications executing assembly.
  1. Create a new function called SaveToolbarControlItems. This is where you will persist the contents of the ToolbarControl by adding the following code to the function:

  1. Create a new function called LoadToolbarControlItems. This is where you will load the persisted contents back into the ToolbarControl by adding the following code to the function:
  1. Display the form in design mode and select the form from the Properties window and display the form events. Double-click the FormClosing event to add an event handler to the code window.
  2. In the FormClosing event, enter the following code to persist the contents of the ToolbarControl into a file at the same location as the executing assembly. You may need to substitute 'Controls.exe' with the name of your executable.

  1. Update the code to add items to the ToolbarControl in the Form_Load event as shown in the following code (you may need to substitute 'Controls.exe' with the name of your executable):

  1. Build and run the application and customize the ToolbarControl.
  2. Stop running the application.
  3. Restart the application. The customizations you made to the ToolbarControl will be reflected in the application.
The PageLayoutControl encapsulates the page layout that manages the page that can be sent to any available printer. You will add code to allow users to send output to the system default printer.
  1. Display the form in design mode and select MenuStrip control on the form.
  2. Click Type Here and type File to create a File menu.
  3. On the File menu click Type Here and type Print… to create a menu item.
  4. Double click the Print… menu item to add an event handler to the code window.
  5. In the PrintToolStripMenuItem_Click event, enter the following code to send the page to the printer:


Arcgis Engine 10

  1. Build and run the application. Use the Print… menu item to send output to the printer. See the following screen shot:


To successfully deploy this application on a user's machine:
  • The application's executable and the .dll and .tlb files containing the custom command will need to be deployed on the user's machine. The Assembly Registration tool (RegAsm.exe) must be used to add information about the custom class to the registry.
  • The user's machine will need an installation of the ArcGIS Engine Runtime and a standard ArcGIS Engine license.
  • The user's machine will need an installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
The following resources may help you understand and apply the concepts and techniques presented in this scenario:
  • Additional documentation is available in the ArcGIS Engine SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework. This includes component help, object model diagrams, and samples to help you get started.
  • ESRI Developer Network (EDN) Web site provides the most up-to-date information for ArcGIS developers including updated samples and technical documents. See
  • ESRI online discussion forums provide invaluable assistance from other ArcGIS developers. See and click the User Forums tab.
  • Microsoft documentation is also available for the Visual Studio .NET development environment. See

See Also:

How to write your first MapControl application
Active2 years, 9 months ago

Can anyone help me find the link to download ArcGIS Engine 10? I have tried to find it, but unfortunately I have not found it.

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Arcgis 10 Engine Developer Kit License Key

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3 Answers

you need to buy it, get a login, then login, then there's a download option inside the portal.

Arcgis Engine 10.4 Download


The ArcGIS Engine software development toolkit is included for no extra charge as part of your annual subscription to the Esri Developer Network (EDN). Once you subscribe to EDN, you can download all of the software included with the bundle, including ArcGIS Engine through the Esri Customer Care Portal here:

For more information:

Hover Engine Developer Kit


If you're not an existing customer, you won't be able to download it (you need a portal login for that). If you contact your local ESRI rep however, they'll post you out a DVD for evaluation.

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