Archos 605 Firmware Updates

  1. Archos 605 Firmware Updates Update
  2. Archos 605 Wifi Software
  3. Archos Tv+ Installation & Upgrade

The Driver Update Tool – is a utility that contains more than 27 million official drivers for all hardware, including archos 605 wifi driver. This utility was recognized by many users all over the world as a modern, convenient alternative to manual updating of the drivers and also received a high rating from known computer publications.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:48 pm
Archos Novice

Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:20 am
Posts: 6
Hello everyone,
I tell you what you can hack your archos 605 in windows 7.
The good hack files are placed in the bottom this post, becouse you must read my instructions before you start hack.
I hack archos 605 WIFI 160GB with 2.1.04 firmware. I'm using Windows 7 x64 Professional, AntyVir and Firewall is turned off.
This color is operations on Archos
and this color is procedures in PC
I describe you what I'm doing exactly:
1) I turn off my archos
2) Turn on with TV/LCD button and choose 'Repair Disk'
3) then connect to PC via USB cable
4) I open archos drive, goes to '/System/' path and edit 'System.bin' file via HexEdit (just like on this page GFT2 hacking )
5) I save prevourios file
6) I download file from this site becouse first link in this article has expired
7) I extract files from archive to Archos /Data/arcwelder/
This is list of files:
8) Then i click 'OK' button on archos to restart it
9) After start I enable the WIFI and connect to my network
10 ) click 'WiFi Status'
I got this IP address:
11) Then goes to 'Wireless File Server...'
12) The 'Workgroup' name is:
I not change enything in this step.
13) The Name is: 'Hack and 'Password' value is: '1234'
becouse I want get stdout.txt and stderr.txt files in my '/Data' folder
14) After that I 'Enable File Server'
15) Then i go to my Windows 7 and open 'my computer', on the left bottom you can see 'network', click it
16) Wait fiew moments If you want se the new 'HACK' computer
17) Double click to 'HACK' and enter name: 'Hack' and password: '1234'
18) Then open next(share) folder and wait a moment
19) Archos should be close file server and back to main screen (this is success )
20) Enable Wifi
21) If you want see whole process you could open 'stderr.txt.' file from 'Data' folder
22) I dont have opera plugin, so I open stderr file and click 'BUY' then waiting, file will should open (if you want see good stderr.txt file please visit arcwelder site)
a) If you open file and you see hourglass and you waiting, waiting and again waiting You must still waiting becouse this proccess takes 10-20 minuts, so plugin charger/usb (after this your archos not turn off wifi) and be patient.
b) Content portal dont work good now, so this is long procedure. After 'stderr.txt' file open your archos should have all plugins
23) This is success, and you should be happy =)
Now you can connect via putty to arcwelder ssh:
1) I use CMD in windows to make sure if archos is avaible on my network. So i ping his IP address:
2) I download and install Putty
3) Then I generate private key from those instructions .Putty should work without that, but if you have problem you must generate key.
4) I open putty and select private key (if you generate it, this is not important if putty work without key):
5) Then I back to the sessions and enter archos IP address:
6) Click 'open' and waiting fiew moments
7) Enter 'root' and you should see arcwelder welcome message
If you have 'connection refused error' message:
You must install arcwelder again, becouse installation is not successful.
If you download my files please leave points: 4, 5, 6, 7 and only place System.bin to System folder, the content of GFT3 folder to main archos folder and arcwelder folder to Data folder on archos.
Good luck.
This is LINK to good files (System.bin, GFT3, arcwelder).
End sorry for my bad english.

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:42 pm
Posts: 1
What is the password to your .rar file? Also after applying the binary edits and arcwelder to the data folder should the workgroup name appear automatically as you showed it? Mine ended up saying just workgroup and it wouldn't let me enter that string into the field as it was invalid it said.


Archos 605 Firmware Updates Update

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:36 am
Posts: 3
same problem as lazarus. alan, can you provide password for .rar file? anyone else been able to open this file? thanks, caliph

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:36 am
Posts: 3
sorry for the mixup above. I think both Lazarus and I may have been confused. I now see that the pic of 'Workgroup' entry is misleading. It only shows the beginning of the entry, so one get's an error if you enter this incomplete statement shown in picture. And though I ended up creating system.bin correctly, when i opened field it only showed the end, which also confused me. Anyway, you can create your own system.bin or there's also one on this page:

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:27 pm
Posts: 10
If you're still around, can you fix your file upload?

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:20 am
Posts: 6
Hi, again.
Sorry, the password is of course 'archosfans'.
I get now another device (605 wifi 4gb), but after load all files to archos i got message: 'the contant portal clock service could not be accessed', so there is serious problem with archos content portal, I tried fiew times and I got this same effect, so if someone will find solution, please let me know - I'll add this to first post.

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:51 am
Posts: 4
hey Alarec, do you think you can correct your tutorial from post#1, in order to get again the deleted image/links, and check then if it still works?

Post subject:Re: Step by step Hacking Archos 605 WiFi
Archos Novice

Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:27 pm
Posts: 10
Don't hold your breath.
Hands down the worst company in the electronics market and the worst forum to go along with it.
I stayed subscribed in case the next post would finally be an answer and not another quest. Out of here for good.

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Archos 605 Wifi Software

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Archos Tv+ Installation & Upgrade

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