Build Number: 1051472. VMware ESXi 5.x Driver for Fusion-io ioMemory VSL adapters. This ESXi 5.x driver bundle includes support for version of compatible Fusion-io ioMemory VSL adapters. FusionIO IODrive2 – How to Install drivers for ESXi. Ensure “SSH Server” is ticked like the above and press Ok. Your now ready to SSH to your ESXi host using a program such as PuTTY. Open PuTTY, enter the IP or hostname for your ESXi host, select SSH (Port 22) and press Connect. You will be prompted for credentials.
HP Proliant DL380p g8
HP 785GB Multi Level Cell G2 PCIe ioDrive2 for ProLiant Servers
ESXi 5.1.0 799733
HP IO Accelerator for ProLiant Install Package for VMware ESXi 5.0
The System was built around OCT'12
server performing stable and very fast - never any purples
but today, last friday and about 1.5 months ago the VMs did not repsond.
connecting with vsphere client. is ok - internal SAS storage is also ok - VMs using internal SAS are storage up and running
VMs using the fusion IO are halted - unable to access the disk.
browsing the storage shows the fusion io to be 'empty' - no error only the root folder existing.
power down the machine, reboot successfull - fusion io storage is back - directory containing all folders, VMs up and runnning
the log displays:
'info : due connectivity issues no access to volume < .... > (datastore ssd) possible. trying to reconnect. result soon'
(sorry for chunky translation - the installation language is not english)
there are no newer drivers für the fusion IO, the patchnotes from esx updates dont show any storage related stuff, firmware should be also up to date.
anyhow - im going to update this weekend.
has anyone any ideas / help for my problem
I recently purchased two HP 380P Gen 8 servers with 365GB IODrive2s for VDI using Vmware View 5.2.
After using the latest HP vmware 5.1 update 1 ESX installer and then installing the Fusion-io drivers for ESX I was able to format the drive as VMFS5, create a pool and put the replica on the Fusion-io.
All of these seemed to run about as fast as our two 15k SAS drives in RAID0. Unsatisfied with the VDI experience we decide to create a pool with all components on the Fusion-io. The speed still didn't seem on par with what the spec sheets state. I finally did a test copy of from the Fusion-io to itself (from the ESXi ssh shell) and I am currently getting about 1GB per minute transfer rate. The white papers claim I should be getting around 500MBps.
Here are some tests:
from 4 drive RAID10 15k SAS to itself:cp VMware-VIMSetup-all-5.1.0-947939.iso test.iso
takes 37s
Free Esx Server
from 4 drive RAID10 15k SAS to Fusion-io:cp VMware-VIMSetup-all-5.1.0-947939.iso /vmfs/volumes/fusion2/test.iso
takes 34 sec
from Fusion-io to itself:cp test.iso test2.iso
takes 78 sec
from my desktop SSD to itself: 32s
7200rpm hard drive to itself: 115s
I currently have a ticket open with HP and VMware but I am essentially getting fingerprinting. I am hoping someone in the community has solved my issues.
Outputs from IOMeter using 8 workers with the all in one access spec for 1 hour:
ewwhiteFusion Io Drivers Esx Servers
1 Answer
Fusion Io Drivers Windows 10
Everything is working now. Thanks for all of you help. I wasn't testing the card vs the sas array hard enough. Once I used random writes and reads in testing and saturated the cache on the raid controller, the fusionio beat the array. 168MB/s vs 6 MB/s. I was also able to speed everything up in VDI by enabling a portion of the fusion to be used as host cache.