Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Muscle

Henry Tempo 6N2 New The 6N2 is an interesting amplifier. It uses 2 x 3CX400A7 (8874) tubes, operating in push-pull mode for 2m and parallel for 6m. The amplifier is capable of 1kw output (I will only use 400w to stay legal) so it should add some punch to my signal on 2 and 6m.

Station Description - ZS6DX

Update 27/07/2019: The decision was mostly made for me! A IC-7610 became available locally so now it is in the shack! I am still planning on getting a FTdx-101MP but I will now wait a while to make sure there are no issues with the first batch. I have been burnt by that before, not planning to do QC for the manufacturer!
Initial impressions of the IC-7610 are good, there are a few things that I am not impressed with though. First and foremost must be the quality of the 2 AF/RF controls, the feel flimsy and wobbly, really Icom, that was not very professional! This is one area Yaesu has always been better than Icom, build quality. Secondly I would have like a few more front panel controls, getting to things like the notch filter simply takes too many button presses and knob turns.....
The RX seems great, but the bands are terrible at the moment with only weak signals, will have to wait to see how well it will handle lots of strong signals.
Update 09/07/2019:
I have contacted the supplier I used for the FTdx 5000MP and unfortunately he has no price or availability date yet for the FTdx 101D/MP. Now the question is do a I wait? Maybe till after my re-location, or do I look at something else like the IC-7610? I am sure I can get a 7610 quite fast but I also know ultimately I want the FTdx 101D/MP!
Update 01/07/2019:
With a QTH move imminent and plans to get active again I am looking at equipment again, both for my DX and contesting stations. I still have 1 Yaesu FTdx-5000MP and I love it but I must say the new FTdx-101MP looks really interesting. The specifications are great and the screen looks good. I need to see if I can source one locally or if I have to import again. The last time I imported the 5000's it was a real mess and took more than 6 months due to local strikes that affected customs! If I am only going to be using it for DX in the future one will be fine but if I start contesting again I would ideally need two of them could get expensive!
Update 18/09/2014
: Since I have not gotten around to updating this page I thought I would just list the equipment in use in the shack at the moment. this does not include the equipment in the museum, only the equipment installed in the 2 primary operating positions and spare - field station equipment. I am also including amplifiers even though they are not really used they are there 'just in case'.

Operating position one, the contest station.

1. Yaesu FTdx-5000MP
2. Icom IC-7610
3. Yaesu FT-2000 with NS roofing filter upgrade. (standby only)
4. Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V (standby only)

Before the FTdx-5000MP arrived
Current, ever changing main station....

  • **All Manuals are copies and are made-to-order unless otherwise noted.** All manuals include schematics unless otherwise noted.
  • Henry Tempo 6N2 Manual Muscle. 5/18/2017 0 Comments DTG Advanced Formatting 2. License keys. Service Alberta. Other Prov/Territory Corps Registered 2. 9 Registered Address: 1. 73 Magazine (also known as 73. Henry 42; From My Side of the Counter - Confession from the heart of Radio Row in New York City.

1. Kenwood TL-922
2. Kenwood TL-922

Operating position two, everyday DX'ing and rag-chewing.
1. Yaesu FT-950
2. Yaesu FT-990AC
3. Icom IC-756Pro3
4. Icom IC-756Pro2
5. Icom IC-756 (x 2)
6. Icom IC-746 (Used only on 2m)
7. Yaesu FT-847 (Used on 70cm and satellites)

FT-847, used mostly to work satellites.

1. Transworld T-1000
2. Heathkit HL-2200
3. Yaesu FL-2100Z
4. Henry 6N2
5. TE Systems 2m 400w
7. Heathkit SB-200 (x 2, one rebuild with Harbach power supply, soft start and soft key kits)
8. Metron MA1000 Solid state, (600W)
9. Yaesu FL-7000 (Now fixed and working well!)
10. Collins 30L-1
'Spare' Radios:
1. Yaesu FT-897 - Field station
2. Yaesu FT-857 - Mobile and field station
3. Yaesu FT-817 - Portable QRP
4. Yaesu FT-890 - Field station/DX'pedition
5. Icom IC-706mk2 - Mobile and field station
6. Icom IC-726 - Field station and Winlink/Digital mode work
7. Yaesu FT-726 - VHF/UHF field station
8. Icom IC-738- Digital modes and RMS Winlink/Tri-mode
9. Yaesu FT-991, now my primary field station and DX'pedition radio

The FT-991, what an amazing little radio!

Museum equipment
1. Icom IC-701
2. Kenwood TS-120S
3. Yaesu FT-901DM
4. Yaesu FT-107M
5. Kenwood TS-930S
6. Yaesu FT-200 (x2)
7. Heathkit SB-102
8. Kenwood TS-520S
9. Yaesu FT-101E
10. Yaesu FT-102
The shack also includes 3 computers and a selection of digital interfaces, rotator controllers, antenna switches and antenna tuners.
This is what My shack used to look like, major changes coming soon !

Recent additions to the station include a Kenwood TL-922 amplifier for HF and a Henry Tempo 6N2 amplifier for 2m and 6m. I have also added an Icom IC-756Pro3.
I have also added a few radios to the 'museum' side of the station, the includes the following: Icom IC-701, Icom IC-726, Yaesu FT-221R and Yaesu FT-620B.
I am currently busy revising my equipment in the shack, I have not been active for a long time and technology has moved on, I need to do lots of research but I think a new 'flagship' rig would be nice! I have just acquired a new FT-817D (for portable/hiking QRP work), a FT-857D for use in the 4x4 and aircraft and a FT-897D complete with FC-30 and battery packs for portable/field station use. The IC-7800 and FT-DX9000 are also on the shopping list but I first want to try them to find out if they will fulfill my requirements. At their current prices they better be good !

The old main operating position at ZS6DX, I am busy setting up a new station and will post photos as soon as it is done. As you can see it was a bit of a mess and I am striving to make he new station a lot neater and more user friendly.

The complete (previous) main operating position with radios, computer, FL-7000 and T1000 amplifiers.

Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Muscle Testing Grades

The 'Oldie' operating position for rag-chewing etc. This position can also be configured as a second contesting position for use during a multi operator contest entry.

My plan is to eventually run 3 radios with 3 amplifiers going into 3 separate mono-band antennas for contest use. Now I must just get used to listening to 3 radios at the same time !. I have had some luck running 2 rigs at the same time so I think once I am used to it 3 will be even better, if nothing else it allows for super fast band changes. When you have a good opening and the QSO rate is high I find that only 1 radio is needed/useful but when it is quiet the other radios allow you to catch some multipliers on the quieter bands. Till I have my new antenna farm sorted out I mostly try to work as many multipliers in contests as possible to up my band/country standings for DXCC, often contests are the best place to find new ones.

My (old, pre 2014) station consisted of (Always changing.....):

  1. Yaesu FT-1000MP with home-brew linear (using 2 x 4-400 valves) used as main CW contest station, this rig has had a CW side-tone problem for a while and has now gone in for repairs, all the way back to Japan, once it gets back I will make a decision on keeping it or getting rid of it!.
  2. Kenwood TS-870S with Heathkit HL-2200 amplifier (using 2 x 3-500ZG valves) used as backup CW/SSB contest station.
  3. Icom IC-756 rigs, I have recently acquired 2 of these rigs, after looking at a lot of equipment I decided that these radios are very good value for money. I have also compared the original IC-756 directly with the newer IC-756PRO and the latest IC-756PROII. The PRO and especially the PROII have many DSP filter selections but the basic receiver is far worse than the original IC-756. The front-end is not as solid, this is in spite of the '144db' dynamic range advertised for the new rigs. This 144db dynamic range is derived from the theoretical limit of a 32bit DSP chip but in the real world it does not work like that ! Dynamic range is a bit more than the bus width of the processor and lots of other factors in the front-end of the receiver are also involved! The new receivers also have much more phase-noise than the old receiver. With additional filters and a simple mod to increase the sensitivity of the band scope the original IC-756 becomes a great contest rig as well as a general DX radio. My findings on the RX are also proved by the ARRL lab tests, go check if you do not believe me, see (ARRL lab tests summary)! I have been told that the 2 newer models were build down to a price and not up to a specification. The original 756 was just to expensive too produce on the receiver side! I am now using a T1000 solid-state amplifier by Trans World Electronics on the one radio and a FL-7000 solid-state amplifier on the second radio. So far I am VERY happy with these radios and they have exceeded my expectations by far. I will be writing an evaluation report on these radios as well as the IC-756PROII soon. In the absence of the FT-1000MP these rigs are now my primary contest/DX radios, When the MP returns I will make a decision if they will remain in that position, if not I will at least surely miss the spectrum scope!
  4. Yaesu FT-990, I am using this radio as a backup rig and for general local 40/80m contacts. It is complete with the additional CW and SSB filters. The Digital SCAF filter on this radio is amazing !. The radio is connected to a Yaesu FL-2100Z amplifier but the amplifier is seldom used.
  5. Yaesu FT-847 with a Henry Tempo 6N2 amplifier (using 2 x 3CX400A7 valves), used mainly for 6m and satellite work, also a superb portable HF/VHF/UHF rig ! Apart from some 6m work this radio is not used much at the moment. For 6m this is now connected to a Hy-gain model DX66 6 element long boom yagi.
  6. Icom IC-746, great rig on CW, I just love the APF feature, will be used as third band rig in future contests, I have now installed a 250hz CW filter (Icom) in this rig and it makes a HUGE difference! I am now also using a converted SB200 amplifier on this rig for 6m and HF, works great!
  7. Yaesu FT-767GX for general use on HF, mostly local rag chewing. I have recently used this rig in a SSB contest and I was quite impressed by the dynamic range and the general performance of the receiver.
  8. Yaesu FT-890SAT. A great rig to use portable as it is robust, compact and has a great tuner !. This rig will now be retired from daily used and only used for portable/field work.
  9. Icom IC-706MKII for HF, 6 and 2m, used mainly on 2 and 6m portable and mini DX-peditions and long distance mobile trips, this radio worked very well on the yacht and made me friends all over the world.
  10. Yaesu FT-107M used mostly on 30, 40 and 80 for local contacts, relaying of bulletins and PSK31 etc.. This rig is not used much anymore and has been replaced by the FT-767GX for most everyday use. It had now been moved to the museum area of the shack!
  11. Alinco DR-605 dual bander used mainly for local 2m and 70cm FM repeater work, I have also used this radio with great success on some of the FM satellites while mobile.
  12. Icom IC-471A with homebrew amplifier used for satellite and EME work with a bit of packet radio now and then, this radio has been replaced by the FT-847.
  13. Kenwood TS-120S used for QRP CW work, not used much anymore, also in the museum area but still fun to play with.
  14. Home-brew transverters for 435, 1296 and 2400 Mhz.
  15. Yaesu and MFJ manual tuners, not used much but there if needed..
  16. Yaesu FT-707 with FV-707 transverters for 430 MHz and 50 MHz as backup, not used much these days.
  17. Various older radio like Kenwood TS-520, Yaesu FT-101 and FT-200, Heathkit SB-102, Yaesu FT-901DM, Hallicrafters SX-38 and KWM Viceroy because I love them and REAL radios glow in the dark -:)! (some of them are older than me!).The FT-901DM with its spectrum scope (YO-901) is actually quite a nice combination and I have used it often for local rag-chewing. These radios are also used when I join in with a local group called 'The Antique Radio Association', a group open to anyone interested in restoring or using older tube based equipment. They gather at 0900 SAST (0700 UTC) on 7.070MHz on a Saturday morning, please join the fun!

FL-2100Z, HL-2200 and Homebrew tube amplifiers for HF.

FL-7000 and T1000 solid state HF amplifiers with a few tuners, meters and rotator control boxes.

My (growing) antenna farm includes:

  1. 12 element long boom home-brew yagi for 2m.
  2. 5 element yagi for 2m FM.
  3. 17 element home-brew yagi for 70 cm.
  4. 9 element home-brew log-yagi for 6m.
  5. Hy-Gain DX6 6 element long boom yagi for 6m, this is a very well made antenna that really works well, at last I have a big signal on the band! (Broken by storm!)
  6. TH5DX tri-band yagi for 10, 15 and 20m, currently this antenna is not in use, I am considering using the boom to build a 12/17/30m antenna. (Retired 2014)
  7. TH7DX, 7 element tri-bander for 10,15 and 20m, this will now be used for the primary operating position.
  8. Cushcraft A4S Tribander with a 40m kit still to be installed, this is a great all rounder and performs a lot better than than some much larger antennas!, will be used for the second operating position of for chasing multipliers during SO contests.
  9. Dipoles for 80, 40, 30, 17 and 12m, about 20m above ground level.
  10. Long wire antenna (50m) for 80 and 160m, not used often but also great for SWL.
  11. Hustler BTV4 vertical for 10, 15, 20 and 40m, this is now seldom used because it is too noisy but on 40m it is a great DX antenna !. I had this antenna on the yacht and it was amazing how well it worked, but then I did have 17000Kg of steel in saltwater as a ground plane. This antenna is very useful for spotting multipliers during contests. It is omni directional so you can hear DX from any side without having to swing the antenna all the time, the fact that it is vertical also helps by lessening inter radio interference created by 2 or more radios operating in close proximity. (Retired 2014)
  12. 5/8 vertical antenna for 70cm packet and repeater work.
  13. 3 element yagi for 70MHz. We do not have much activity in South Africa on this band but I was hoping to work into the UK in September/October/November 2014 on TEP, so far no luck. On 70MHz I am currently using the FT-847.
  14. Full size G5RV, great antenna for local chatting and also works well for DX, seems to be better than my diploes on the lower bands.

The 6m log-yagi and the TH5DX at rooftop height

Cushcraft A4S and 5 element 2m yagi at rooftop height, look at the nice blue sky! The A4S is a far better antenna than the TH5 or even the other larger antennas that I have used.

Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Muscle Test

Spiders web of Dipoles for 12, 17, 30, 40 and 80m, this in now at 20m.

6 element 6m yagi on 8m boom in lowered position.

Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Muscle Diagram

I also need to do something better for 160m, currently I am using a 60m long long-wire. 12, 17 and 30m needs some attention as well, here I am also considering mono-banders, maybe on the same boom?

Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Muscle Group