- Wireless Communication Ppt
- Paper Presentation Of Wireless Communication In Ieee Format Pdf
- Wireless Communication Systems
IOT INTERNET OF THINGS IEEE PAPER 2016. An Approach to Secure Communication in IoT (Internet of Things) free download ABSTRACT The term Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of standard internet protocols for interaction between human to things or things to things in an embedded network. Abstract: The recent advancement in wireless.
Paper Presentation is all about how you put your topic orpresent your topic in front of the public. They see the way youpresent it. They way you put your points. Your way and the style ofpresenting the paper. The language you present the topic in.
Like if you have to present the paper on 'Nanotechnology' Herefirst thing is that you have collect the information from thesource you would like to. It can be the internet or some books onthe topic.
You have to first arrange the information in the form as 1.define the topic 2. topic details 2. current affairs 3. advantagesand the dis-adv. 4. cuases remedies 5. applications.
Then you have to prepare the 'Abstract'. Abstract- It is thedetails in short i.e not exceeding more than two pages. This youhave to give to the place you want to present the topic. You haveto write the Abstrct in the IEEE format if they ask you to do so.IEEE format is like you have to have the specific size of the texteg. for the heading the font is 14 for the sub heading the font is12 and so on. You may check the detail from the PDF IEEE. (i am notsure about this source.)
Then you have to make the hard and the soft copy. One hard copyyou have to submit to the place of the presentation. and one withyou. Hard copy is the print pages of the detail of the topic(Inthis too you have to make the use of the IEEE format if specified.)
Soft copy it is the power presentation(PP). Do not write toomuch in the PP only the point. And explain them. If theintroduction page in made them there is no need to give theintroduction again Make the use of the body language and the facialexpressions and also make a slide of the source you have collectedall the information from
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I'm not sure whether you mean crepe paper or graph paper. Crepe paper, a crinkled paper that is semi elastic. Graph paper has lines ruled for graphic presentation.
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no, not unless your making some one in your paper say it, besides you.
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Recent paper presentation topics on information security include: NSA collecting millions of faces on the web and Understanding Information Security. Presentations on encryption is also a big topic.
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http://edufive.com/presentationtopics/instrumentation.html see this
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A topic in the field of artificial intelligence for a paper presentation could be whether or not the form of voice is able to think for itself. Programming for artificial intelligence or the ways artificial intelligence are used can also be topics to discuss.
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A slide is a virtual piece of paper that you type on.
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Interests vary. Chose something you are interested in.
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Smart City Implementation Models Based on IoT Technology
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Abstract. IoT (Internet of Things) is the network of physical objects-devices, vehicles,buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and networkconnectivity-that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The internet of
Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers of Smart IoT Service and Customer Attitude
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Abstract. The aim of this empirical study is to develop a new research framework thatexplains consumer attitude toward IoT service. The empirical test results indicate thatsatisfiers give positive influences to satisfaction. However, the negative relationships
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Abstract: The paper describes the performance and functional characteristics of Arm basedwireless sensor node in monitoring the parameters such as CO2, temperature, humidity andlight around the pipeline structure. The system is deployed to monitor any deviations in The book series Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies (MOST) publishesbasic principles as well as novel theories and methods in the fast-evolving field of modelingand optimization. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: methods for analysis,
Two Paradigms in Cellular IoT Access for Energy-Harvesting M2M Devices: Push-Based Versus Pull-Based
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Abstract: Equipping communication apparatuses with energy harvesting technology couldachieve system sustainability without human intervention. Though the harvested energy ofexisting techniques is limited and intermittent, it is sufficient to power devices in low-power
A Compact Quad-band Monopole Antenna for IoT Application in WSNs/WLAN/LTE Bands
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Abstract. In this paper, a compact quad-band planar monopole antenna for IoT application isdesigned, fabricated and measured. Four desired resonant frequencies are achieved by anL-shape radiation element and a paperclip meander strip. The proposed antenna
A Low-Power High-Performance SoC Platform for IoT Applications
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Abstract-The rapid growth of wirelessly connected devices introduces a diverse range ofapplications and requires intelligent hardware platforms that integrate computing, sensing,and wireless connectivity in a compact system-on-chip (SoC). This paper presents a low-
Low Power WAN Protocols for IoT: IEEE 802.11 ah, LoRaWAN
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Washington University in St. Louis Low Power WAN Protocols for IoT: IEEE 802.11ah, LoRaWANRaj Jain Washington University in Saint Louis Saint Louis, MO 63130 6Lo, Thread RoutingRPL, CORPL, CARP Recent Protocols for IoT Network Datalink Session Page 4. 14-4
Demo: IoT Meets Robotics-First Steps, RIOT Car, and Perspectives
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Abstract We present a cloud-enhanced, four-wheeled, mobile minirobot, assembled fromlow-cost, off-the-shelf hardware parts, and open-source software building blocks. Thesebuilding blocks provide a reusable extensible base for emerging applications mixing
IOT Security Challenges and Issues–An Overview
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ABSTRACT A direct interpretation of the term Internet of Things refersto the use of standardInternet protocols for the human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication in embeddednetworks. Certainly, the IoT security is more than a technicalproblem as it needs series of
An Approach to Secure Communication in IoT (Internet of Things)
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ABSTRACT The term Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of standard internet protocolsfor interaction between human to things or things to things in an embedded network.Although the security needs are well-recognized, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-
Iot based indoor personal comfort levels monitoring
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Abstract:We present a low-cost IoT based system able to monitor acoustic, olfactory, visualand thermal comfort levels. The system is provided with different ambient sensors,computing, control and connectivity features. The integration of the device with a
Constant Impedance Tunable IOT Power Extraction Circuit
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Page 1. Constant Impedance Tunable IOT Power Extraction Circuit Amith Hulikal NarayanFebruary 10, 2016 Why and Where do we need the Power Extraction Circuit Resonant circuitin an IOT extracts the kinetic energy of the modulated electron beam converting it into
Challenges in IoT Networking via TCP/IP Architecture
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ABSTRACT Internet of Things(IoT), networking (potentially) a large number of resource-constrained devices, is gaining popularity in recent years. Today's IoT systems are largelybased on the use of the TCP/IP protocols (IPv6 in particular). However, the observations
From Cloud to Fog and IoT-Based Real-Time U-Healthcare Monitoring for Smart Homes and Hospitals
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Abstract Healthcare in the past, decision making was merely based on doctor's personalexperience, domain knowledge, patient's physical signs and symptoms and diagnosticlaboratory reports. In contrast, devices or things and technologies came into existence
Online Analysis And Fault Finding System For Distribution Transformers Using IOT
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Abstract: This project is about design and implementation of embedded system to monitorand record key parameters of a distribution transformer like load currents, oil level, oil qualityand ambient temperature. The idea of on-line monitoring system includes IOT (internet of
A Proposal for Mobile E-Care Health Service System Using IOT for Indian Scenario
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Abstract–The premise of this research idea is to develop smart health centers in India. Theproposal basically exploits the idea of Internet of things and aims to use the existingtechnology and background. The work has been motivated by the fact that India is lacking
Smart Hospitals Using Internet of Things (IoT)
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Abstract–Most of the time, due to negligence of hospital staff, excessive number of patientsor inattentiveness of relatives it may happen that saline bottle is not monitored properly andit may lead to cause heart attack due to AIR EMBOLISM. In a hospital, number of
A neural network and IoT based scheme for performance assessment in Internet of Robotic Things
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Abstract:Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) is a new concept introduced for the first time byABI Research. Unlike the Internet of Things (IoT), IoRT provides an active sensorization andis considered as the new evolution of IoT. This new concept will bring new opportunities
A Pervasive Interconnection Technique for Efficient Information Sharing in Social IoTEnvironment
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Abstract IoT is a vision of interconnected everyday objects and self-configuration wirelessnetworks of sensors. In IoT environment, it is needed to share information pervasivelywithout user's intervention. We propose a new interconnection technique for efficient
RF Based Node Location and Mobility Tracking in IoT
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Abstract In this paper, a new method RF based IoT node localization and status is proposed.In this paper a robust mapping is done between the measured RSSI vector and the existingRSSI signature to minimize location estimation errors encouraged by the instability
Crop Production Context-Aware Enterprise Application Using IoT
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Abstract From last decade, the enormous increase of sensor deployments has became aswell known fact and hot topic among researchers. These sensors are continuously creatinglarge sum of data but to add value to that huge amount raw sensor data, we need to
A Study on Device Management for IoT Services with Uncoordinated Device Operating History
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Abstract:The cumulative failure rate is an important reliability index for evaluating Internetof Thing (IoT) device and system quality and reliability. However, in the horizontalspecialization business model, IoT service infrastructure is often operated by multiple
Green IoT Agriculture and Healthcare Application (GAHA)
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Abstract The application of the two trending and popular technologies, Cloud Computing(CC) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are current hot discussions in the field of agricultureand healthcare applications. Motivated by achieving a sustainable world, this paper
IoT and Big Data towards a Smart City
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ABSTRACT The fast growth in the population density in urban areas demands more facilitiesand resources. To meet the needs of city development, the use of Internet of Things (IoT)devices and thesmart systems is the very quick and valuable source. However, thousands
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ABSTRACT The spread of digital technologies offers a great potential for the creativity andinnovation in all aspects of tourism industry. The integration between advancedtechnologies of ICT and tourism industry plays vital role in enhancing the tourism services
IOT Based Efficient Vehicle Location Help Line System Using NFC
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Abstract–Now-a-days increasing density of vehicles on road is becoming the problem for thetraffic control. Ultimately arising obstacle in the managing and tracking of the vehicle.Because of the problem state, it is necessary for every organizations and individuals to
IoT Based: Knowledge Acquisition and Friendship Selection in Smart Campus
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Abstract–In the last days, distributed computing and Internet of Things have pulled in theconsideration of the scientists at home and abroad, the use of them are progressively moreextensive and more profound. Practically speaking conventional server farm is changed
Review on IOT Technologies
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Abstract A direct interpretation of the term Internet of Things refers to the use of standardInternet protocols for the human-to-thing or thing-to-thing communication in embeddednetworks. The main aim of IoT is to create a virtual footprint of all the devices and people
Classification of Security Risks in the IoT Environment
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Abstract The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is based on a layered architecture. Each ofthe layers includes the application of a range of diverse technologies for the datatransmission, processing and storage. This paper will explore the vulnerabilities and
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Abstract-Now a day's water get polluted by several resources and analyzing its quality is abiggest deal for globalization to tackle this major problem need to monitor continuously thequality of the water, so that first need get the water parameter like its Temperature, PH,
IoT Module
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The IoT Module form factor represents an open hardware standard for sensors, networkadapters, and other IoT technologies that can be' plugged' into host applications to providenew features and interfaces. As a family, IoT Modules share a standardized footprint and
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ABSTRACT In Iraq, many student abduction cases are reported due to the lack of safetymechanisms and the lack of law enforcement. Educational institutions such as primaryschools are looking for a better mechanism to monitor the student attendance so that the
IoT WSN based Smart Precision Agriculture
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ABSTRACT Now a days, agriculture plays a vital role in Indian economy. Agriculture getsdestroyed due to fewer numbers of workers and animal intrusions in the field. So,Agricultural lands are becoming plots. The main objective is to improve the sustainable
Identity-based Encryption for device-to-device Security in IOT Environments
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ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IOT) is presently a fast catching paradigm in which theeveryday objects are manufactured with essential capabilities such sensing, networking andprocessing. These capabilities enable them to communicate with one another and with
Scheduling Based Wireless Sensor Networks Integrated with IoT Environment
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ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor networks are widely adopt in military,target tracking, signalprocessing and monitoring applications like traffic and structural, the small and low costunreliable sensor nodes in these applications uses batteries as the sole energy source.
An Assessment of the Internet of Things (IoT) Adoption Readiness of Sub-Saharan Africa
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Abstract A new and fast emerging shift in networking and communications is the Internet ofThings. This new connectivity paradigm (according to industry and academic analysts) isexpected to fully mature by the year 2020. A number of industry giants have already
Going Green with IoT for Smart World-An Overview
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ABSTRACT Smart world is planned as an epoch in which objects (eg, watches, mobilephones, computers, cars, buses and trains) can immediately and intelligently serve peoplein a coefficient manner. Internet of things links up everything in the smart world. Internet of
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Internet of Things is the new buzzword that is technologically revolutionising the world. Sci-fi stuffs that were once seen only in the movies few years ago have become realistic with thedawn of this revolution. Everything around us, from the spoon we eat, accessories we
IOT-An Overview
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Abstract: The Internet of Things (IOT) refers to the environment where network connectivityand computing capability extends to objects, sensors and everyday items not normallyconsidered computers. These items are then capable to generate, exchange and
A study of the role of Cloud services in the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT)
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Abstract:Changing times have demanded the change in conventional working models. Thelargescale use of Internet and its related technologies like Internet of Things has widenedthe horizons of their applications. However, the actual realization of Internet of Things (IoT)
Preserving patient's anonymity for mobile healthcare system in IoT environment
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Abstract Emerging IoT (Internet of Things) technologies provide many benefits to theimprovement of healthcare service. The successful deployment of IoT depends on ensuringsecurity and privacy that need to adapt to their processing capabilities. IoT are vulnerable
Internet of Things (IoT): Challenges and Future Directions
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Abstract: The growth potential for the embedded industry is enormous. And the path forwardis becoming clearer every day. It's time that we start building IOT systems, and provide valueto our customers.[1]. The IoT is expected to connect 28 billionthings to the internet by
An Intelligent Door System using Raspberry Pi and Amazon Web Services IoT
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Abstract: In this paper, we are demonstrating an i ntelligent door system using Internet ofThings, which notifies intrusion by sending out email notification to the owner. It logs all theintrusion d ata into google spreadsheet of owner's google drive account. ADXL345
Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview of Applications and Security Issues Regarding Implementation
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Abstract–The Internet of Things (IoT) is a powerful paradigm that has made progress in thealmost every field of human life. This paper gives an overview of IoT, its enablingtechnologies, applications and security issues in the wireless technologies. IoT is enabled
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Abstract: The convincing development in Internet of Things (IoT) enables the solutions tospur the advent of novel and fascinating applications. The main aim is to integrate IoT awarearchitecture to enhance smart healthcare systems for automatic environmental monitoring
Long-Term Environment Monitoring for IOT Applications using Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract:The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a virtual view, via the Internet Protocol, to ahuge variety of real life objects, ranging from a car, to a teacup, to a building, to trees in aforest. Its appeal is the ubiquitous generalized access to the status and location of any
System Synthesis and Automated Verification: Design Demands for IoT Devices
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Abstract:The rise of the Internet of Things has led to an explosion of new sensor computingplatforms. In a wide variety of application domains, IoT device manufacturers must designand release new IoT devices regularly with shorter product cycles to maintain competitive
Creating a Smart Room using an IoT approach
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we present one of the pilot applications of the SYNAISTHISIproject, whose goal is to transform a typical meeting room to a smart meeting room. TheSYNAISTHISI platform is used to provide the necessary infrastructure to interconnect
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Abstract:The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging topic in today's era. It has a lot ofsignificance in technology, business, social and engineering fields. This technologyprovides an easier way of communication of devices with the minimal interaction of human
Governance, Risk and Compliance' GRC' for Internet of Things' IOT
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Abstract:The continuous selection of digital physical frameworks and the Internet of Things(IoT) is joined by mind blowing business process upgrades powered by notable innovations.Industry 4.0 with savvy plants, brilliant supply chains and keen client experience has
IoT Compositions by and for the Crowd
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Abstract. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a new eco-system of heterogeneous anddistributed services that is available anytime and anywhere and that can be potentiallyaccessed by any properly connected device. However, these available services are
IoT-based Remote Facial Expression Monitoring System with sEMG Signal
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Abstract:Biopotentials including Electrocardiography (ECG), Electromyography (EMG) andElectroencephalography (EEG) measure the activity of heart, muscles and brain,respectively. They can be used for noninvasive diagnostic applications, assistance in
Wireless Communication Ppt
Security improvement in IoT based on Software Defined Networking (SDN)free download
Abstract:With the evolving Internet of Things (IoT) technology, there is exponential growthin connectivity of heterogeneous devices to the internet. Securing such complexheterogeneous networks and their diverse access protocols is a real challenge leading to
IoT Based Prepaid Electricity
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a novel design method of minimizing the queue at theelectricity billing counters and to restrict the usage of electricity automatically, if the bill is notpaid. The project also aims at proposing a system that will reduce the loss of power and
Assessing Vulnerabilities in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Wireless Network based IoTSystems
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Abstract:With the materialization of the internet of things (IoT), big data analytic and cloudcomputing services give rise to extra breadth in the assessment of more secure computingenvironments, better resource management and vulnerability analysis. In order to
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Abstract For IOT wireless sensor networks, there is large positioning error in APITpositioning algorithm, an improved APIT positioning algorithm is proposed. APIT test is easyto produce InToOut and OutToIn errors to affect positioning accuracy, a new interior point
Building the Web of Knowledge with Smart IoT Applications
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is experiencing fast adoption in the society, from industrial tohome applications. The number of deployed sensors and connected devices to the Internetis changing our perspective and the way we understand the world. The development and
Iot-based Smart Cities: a Survey
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Abstract:Due to the growing developments in advanced metering and digital technologies,smart cities have been equipped with different electronic devices on the basis of Internet ofThings (IoT), therefore becoming smarter than before. The aim of this article is that of
Towards quantifying the cost of a secure IoT: Overhead and energy consumption of ECC signatures on an ARM-based device
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Abstract In this paper, we document the overhead in terms of runtime, firmware size,communication and energy consumption for Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) signatures ofmodern ARM-based constrained devices. The experiments we have undertaken show that
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Abstract:-Technological evolutions at Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is allowing thatubiquitous society use the ITS facilities to conducting their activities. At this scenario thepaper presents a study case in order to use ITS technologies applied to conduct his
A Review On: Protocols and Standards in Different Application Areas of IOT
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Abstract: Emerging Smart phones and smart systems are to give a whole new dimension tothe way we shop, bank, and go about many of our everyday activities. The Internet of Things(IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different
From Innovators to Power Users: The Role Of Power Usage in Driving Adoption Of the Internet Of Things (IoT)
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ABSTRACT As more and more Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been introduced toour social life, little, however, has been known regarding the potential adopters and consumersof the IoT applications. Through an online survey (N = 191), this study reveals the key role
The PMIPv6-based Group Binding Update for IoT Devices
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Abstract:The Internet of Thing (IoT) has been booming with rapidly increase of the variouswearable devices, vehicle embedded devices and so on, and the providing the effectivemobility management for these IoT devices becomes a challenge due to the different
SINC–An Information-Centric Approach for End-to-End IoT Cloud Resource Provisioning
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Abstract The explosive growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has raised the need for effectiveprovisioning and management of resources in an IoT-based system. By resource we meanany entity (physical or virtual) that makes up the IoT system, such as sensors, gateways,
Survey on energy consumption in wireless IOT
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ABSTRACT-This paper focuses the Internet of Things. Main enabling feature of thispromising model is the integration of several technologies and communication solutions.Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks,
IoT for Healthcare
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Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or thing s embeddedwith electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects tocollect and exchange data. The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and
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ABSTRACT The term IOT refers uniquely identifiable physical object connected to theinternet. Research has been carried out with IOT in various fields like smart cities, industrialautomation, home automation, agricultural production, bus transportation system, supply
Compressed Sensing for IOT Application
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ABSTRACT: In remote sensing network, the data retrieved by the sensors are in continuousnature which consumes large amount of power and also memory for storage. It is alsodifficult to maintain such a tremendous data. These are some problems which we are
Ambient Environmental Quality Monitoring Using IoT Sensor Network
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Abstract-Environmental sustainability has the direct impact to the quality and sustainability ofhuman life. This issue has been discussed lately in many global forums. However, mostpeople tend to neglect it because there are no reliable sources of information that is
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Abstract In this paper, a security alert system which records a video when a motion isdetected and uploads it to the external server and notifies the user via text message isreported. This application can be used to view the remote activities and notifications can
IoT-A and FIWARE: bridging the barriers between the Cloud and IoT systems design and implementation
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Abstract: IoT systems are designed and implemented to address specific challenges basedon domain specific requirements, thus not taking into consideration issues of openness,scalability, interoperability and use-case independence. As a result, they are less
IOT Based Underground Wire Fault Detection Technique
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Abstract: This paper proposes fault location model for underground power cable usingmicrocontroller and the thing which is based on the internet means the information willtransfer through the internet access. The aim of this project is to determine the distance of
Security Ecosystem in IoT Cloud
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Abstract:The cloud computing and the Internet of things are tightly coupled with each other.The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of technologies createda widespread connection of things. This results in the production of large amounts of
An Energy-aware IoT Gateway, with Continuous Processing of Sensor Data
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Abstract. Few studies have investigated and proposed a middleware solution for the Internetof Mobile Things (IoMT), where the smart things (Smart Objects) can be moved, or else canmove autonomously, but remain accessible from any other computer over the Internet. In
A review paper on IOT It s Smart Applications
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Abstract-We are entering in a new era of computing technology ie Internet of Things (IoT).IOT is a sort of universal global neural network in the cloud which connects various things.The IoT is a intelligently connected devices and systems which comprised of smart
Industrial IoT Mining Algorithm of Cloud Computing Research
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Abstract IoTindustry due to the equipment, product distribution, a large number of sensors,the various types of data collection, through the server on the Internet, but in data andmanagement data to be obtained, with the popularity of mobile terminal, often need to
A Modern Health Care System Using IoT and Android.
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Abstract:A modern healthcare IoT platform with an intelligent medicine box along withsensors for health monitoring and diagnosis is proposed here. Health care services basedon Internet of Things have great potential in medical field. In thispaper, anintelligenthome-
Non-Invasive Fetus Heart Rate and Growth Measurement with Abnormality Detection UsingIoT
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Abstract:Infant mortality is an important area of study in both medical research andengineering perspective. For mitigating the miserable conditions of infant mortality, we areproposing a methodology that could help the pregnant women to check her vital medical
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ABSTRACT Internet of Things (IOT) is a vision towards Future Internet where things areprovided with enough intelligence to communicate with each other without the humanintervention. With the proliferation of Internet of Things (iot) Devices such as smart phones,
A Generalized Internet of Things (IoT) Framework for Serving Multiple Applications
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Abstract:Now-a-days the networking and communication systems are becoming more andmore important. Various types of networking devices like sensor, NFC, RFID etc are used fordifferent networking applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to interconnection
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ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vision in which Internet outspreads into the realworld espousal of daily objects. The objects no longer seems separated from the virtualworld and can be controlled distantly. The term Internet of Things is devised from the two
The Quest for Privacy in the Consumer IoT
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Abstract:Privacy remains among the toughest challenges for the consumer-facing Internetof Things (IoT). Privacy-by-Design (PbD) is the most recent attempt to address it. Thereby,privacy goals become part of the technical specification and are resolved directly in the
Implementation of IoT for Environmental Condition Monitoring in Homes
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Abstract: The recent advancement in wireless communication internet has enabled thedevelopment of internet of things. The IOT is used for monitoring our regular domesticconditions by means of low cost sensing system. The summary about integrated network
Industrial Automation using Internet of Things (IOT)
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Abstract:Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly increasing technology. IoT is the network ofphysical objects or things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and networkconnectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. In this paper, we
IOT Applied in ITS
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Abstract:-In order to implement the Internet of things, the case study uses the technologiesassociated with sensors installed in the vehicle in order to identify the vehicle when it passesthrough a portal and the associated information available as RFID (Radio Frequency
Modelling the Positional and Orientation Sensitivity of Proximity Sensors for Industrial IoT
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Abstract:This paper presents an analysis of robust proximity sensor interfaces for IndustrialInternet of Things applications. A Model is presented with the aim of maximizing the rangeand freedom of orientation of passive sensing and communications devices in comparison
IOT Based Gesture Movement Recognize Robot
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Abstract Robots are playing a vital role in today's industrial automation and monitoringsystem. As technology developed these robots have increased their applications andfunctionality. Working robots will cooperate to the people makes the work more Effortless
Smart Card and IOT Based Electronic Toll Collection System for Vehicles
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Abstract: In now a day's transportation is one of the important issues in our country. Formaintaining vehicles our country introduces electronic toll collection. In this Toll collectionbooths need an amount of operations like stopping the vehicle, lowering the casement,
Rethinking Cellular Architecture and Protocols for IoT Communication
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Abstract: Communication for 'Internet-of-Things'(IoT) is becoming a significant component tobe supported by the network infrastructures. With 'smart'sensing devices becomingubiquitous, there is a need to support IoT communication at large scale over cellular
New Directions in IoT Privacy Using Attribute-Based Authentication
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ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) is a ubiquitous system that incorporates not only thecurrent Internet of computers, but also smart objects and sensors. IoT technologies often relyon centralised architectures that follow the current business models. This makes efficient
Effective Implementation of IoT for Enhancing Cargo Container Security
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Abstract: This paper discusses effective implementation of IoT to enhance able containersecurity in marine cargo industry. It is estimated that 90% of goods traded globally aremoved by around 17 million containers. However it is very difficult to control and monitor
Prominence of IoT and Cloud in Health Care
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Abstract-Internet of Things is the unification of devices that are networked together toexecute the processes and services that support the basic requirements, finance, health andsurroundings. Cloud computing is an archetype, in which robust, extensible and quasi
Real Time Monitoring of CO2 Emissions in Vehicles Using Cognitive IOT
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Abstract: With rise in the amount of heat trapping gases the earth is getting warmer day byday, leading to global warming. CO2 is the major contributor of the greenhouse gases. Themain aim of this research is to reduce the green house effect by real time monitoring and
A Review on Parallel Data Acquisition for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment
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Abstract: IoT is Internet of Things in which all physical things are organized with each other.For the expansion of IoT the interface device is crucial which will have high capability toconnect sensors. The network of sensor is used for IoT as wireless sensor network and to
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Abstract-The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a virtual view, via the Internet Protocol, to ahuge variety of real life objects, ranging from a car, to a teacup, to a building, to trees in aforest. Lifetime extension possibilities, which are the result of application characteristics,
Towards Internet of Services–SDN-enabled IMS Architecture for IoT Integration
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Abstract:The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is gaining tremendous popularity and thenumber of connected devices, or things, is continuously growing, aiming to transform oureveryday life. In order to address the real needs of the end user, the capabilities of the
A Link-Correlation-Aware Cross-Layer Protocol for IoT Devices
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Abstract:The Internet of Things (IoT) applications is envisioned to require higherthroughput protocols because of the increasing data amount. To significantly enhance thenetwork throughput between IoT devices, this paper proposes a new linklayer data
Paper Presentation Of Wireless Communication In Ieee Format Pdf
Abstract: Life become very simpler and easier in all phases with the improvement ofAutomation technology. Today, automatic methods are being chosen over manual method.Internet became a part of life, and IoT is the modern and emerging internet skill with the
Supporting Application Requirements in Cloud-based IoT Information Processing
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Abstract: IoT infrastructures can be seen as an interconnected network of sources of data,whose analysis and processing can be beneficial for our society. Since IoT devices arelimited in storage and computation capabilities, relying on external cloud providers has
IoT based Data Logger System for weather monitoring using Wireless sensor networks
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Abstract The system proposed in this paper is an advanced solution for monitoring theweather conditions at a particular place and make the information visible anywhere in theworld. The technology behind this is Internet of Things (IoT), which is an advanced and
Wireless Communication Systems
Learning-based and(IoT) industry, the threat towards infections andnew malware threats will only increase in upcoming years of IoT and Digital India [12]. An
Analysis on IoT Challenges, Opportunities, Applications and Communication Models
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Abstract:Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel communication standard and it is researcher'spreferred topic, which integrates heterogeneous systems seamlessly. Designing a universalarchitecture for IoT is a challenging task due to the integration of wide variety of the
Optimal Scheduling of on/off Cycles: a Decentralized IoT-Microgrid Approach
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Abstract. The current energy scenario requires actions towards the reduction of energyconsumptions and the use of renewable resources. To this end, the energy grid is evolvingtowards a distributed architecture called Smart Grid (SG). Moreover, new communication
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ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined in many different ways, and itencompasses many aspects of life such as connected homes, connected cities, connectedcars and roads, roads to devices that track an individual s behaviour. By 2025 it is
Vehicular Messaging In IOT Using Epidemic Routing
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Abstract: Now a days there are lots of inventions done in vehicles and some may inprogress, these inventions help to resolve the challenges caused by the increasingtransportation issues. These modern vehicles equipped with a large amount of sensors,
Header Compression and Neighbor Discovery in 6LoWPAN based IoT–A Survey
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Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next generation technology which is expected tobring a major revolution in the art of creating smarter environments. In order to uniquelyidentify each device in smart environment, a new protocol using IPv6 over Low-power
Multi-Agent Semantical Annotation Enhancement Model for IoT-based Energy-Aware Data
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Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is engaged in dealing with physical items, gadgets,vehicles, structures and different things that are inserted into hardware, programming,sensors, and system availability, which empowers these items to gather and trade
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Abstract: Standards mean in general common methods, norms and regulations, based onwhich some work must be done, some product or service must be produced or some actionsbe conducted. Standards can be official and binding (de jure). These defined by official
IoT: Trends, Challenges and Future Scope
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Abstract: IoT (Internet of Things) one of the most exiting trends and innovation in the recenthistory of technological advancement. Also the advances in computer hardware, embeddedsystem devices, networking devices, display devices, control devices, software
IoT-O: a core domain ontology for IoT
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Abstract. The I nternet of Things (IoT) i sa field in rapid development. Its extension is notwithout consequences: heterogeneity and vertical fracturation are now blocking issues.Design principles elaborated in the semantic web are appropriate to overcome these
Edge Cloud to Cloud Integration for IoT
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Abstract Telecoms and Internet industries work on concepts and architectures that willsupport new enterprise products and solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT), in addition tonew products and services for the consumer sector. The concepts known for example as
IntraNav–Low-Cost Indoor Localization System IoT Platform
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we briefly describe IntraNav, our lowcost and highly accurateindoor localization and navigation system, designed for consumer-and especially industrial-markets. The system is comprised of (at least) one tag and multiple anchor nodes. The
IOT Application for Real-time Monitor of PLC Data using EPICS
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Abstract:A recent huge interest in Machine to Machine communication is known as theInternet Of Things (IOT), to allow the possibility for autonomous devices to use Internet forexchanging the data. The Internet and the World Wide Web have caused a revolution in
A New Circuit Design Framework for IoT Devices: Charge-Recycling with Wireless Power Harvesting
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Abstract:Limited energy is a significant challenge for IoT devices since frequent batteryreplacement is not feasible. Various energy harvesting techniques have been previouslyproposed to alleviate this challenge. A new circuit design technique is developed in this
Using IoT for Integrated Pest Management
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Abstract:Management of pests is an important task in agriculture. Integrated PestManagement (IPM) is a way to prevent pest risks for long term using effective methods. Useof IoT for integrated pest management is unavoidable as it involves various tools from
Design of an IOT-based Trade Show Management System
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a design of an IoT platform that provides end to enduser experience to support trade shows and expos. The proposed IoT-based trade showmanagement system offers both hardware and software that will provide excellent user
Trusted Sensors for Participatory Sensing and IoT Applications based on Physically Unclonable Functions
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ABSTRACT With the emergence of the internet of things (IoT) and participatory sensing (PS)paradigms trustworthiness of remotely sensed data has become a vital research question. Inthis work, we present the design of a trusted sensor, which uses physically unclonable
Internet of Things (IoT): Revolution of Internet for Smart Environment
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Abstract: The Internet will continue to become ever more central to everyday life and work,but there is a new but complementary vision for an Internet of Things (IoT), which willconnect billions of objects–'things' like sensors, monitors, and RFID devices–to the
IOT based Energy Management System by Using Raspberry pi ARM cortex
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Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to acquire the remote electrical parameters likeVoltage, Current, and Frequency from Smart grid and send these real time values using IoT.This project is also designed to protect the electrical circuitry by operating an
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Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as one of the most powerful communicationparadigms of the 21st century. In the IoT environment, all objects in our daily life becomepart of the Internet because of their communication and computing capabilities (including
A Survey on the Data Management in IoT
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Abstract:In the recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as a part of theInternet of future and makes it possible for connecting various smart objects together throughthe Internet. The use of IoT technology in applications has spurred the increase of realtime
Digital Electronic Internet of Things(IoT) and Smart Grid Technologies to Fully Eviscerate Privacy
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The Internet of Things(IoT) and Smart Grid technologies will together be aggressivelyintegrated into the developed world's socioeconomic fabric with little-if-any public orgovernmental oversight. This is the overall opinion of a new report by the Federal Trade
A Software Defined Approach to IoT Networking
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It is foreseen that the Internet of Things (IoT) will comprise billions of connected devices, andthis will make the provi sioning and operation of some IoT connectivity services morechallenging. Indeed, IoT services are very different from lega cy Internet services
How EU and Japan Deal with the Challenges of Cybersecurity in the eGovernment Domain in the Emerging Age of IoT
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Abstract This paper represents the foundation of a future extended research that aims toinvestigate more in depth how cybersecurity shall evolve in the e-government domainconsidering the challenges represented by the emerging IoT (Internet of Things). The
An Data Analytics Applied for Crime Identification over IOT
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Abstract: Data mining is the quest for knowledge in databases to uncover previouslyunimagined relationships in the data. This paper proposes to apply Decision tree insuspected e-mail detection (e-mails about criminal activities). Deception theory suggests
A Study of Power Management Techniques for Internet of Things (IoT)
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Abstract:Internet of Things (IoT) advances when regular ordinary objects have inter-connected microchips inside them. These microchips help stay informed concerning otherobjects, as well as a significant number of these devices sense their surroundings and
Smart Security Solution for Women based on Internet Of Things (IOT)
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ABSTRACT Today in the current global scenario, the prime question in every girl's mind,considering the ever rising increase of issues on women harassment in recent past is mostlyabout her safety and security. The only thought haunting every girl is when they will be
Indoor Air Quality: IoT Solution
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Abstract:this paper gives a proposal for addressing the issue of indoor air quality using theinternet of things communication model. The description of the effects of lowmoderate levelsof carbon dioxide on the occupants on the indoor space is presented. A system,
A Review on Biologically Inspired Approaches to Security for Internet of Things (IoT)
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Abstract:Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm involves new characteristics, techniques andthreats that cannot be completely taken into consideration through the traditional formulationof security problems. The IoT calls for a new paradigm of security, which will have to
Industrial WSN using IoT: A Survey
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Abstract:Connecting physical objects-devices, vehicles, buildings and other items to theinternet with the help of embedded electronics, softwares, sensors and network operationsin order to collect and analyze data and for data exchange among these devices is called
Face Recognition for Context-Sensitive IoT Applications
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Many IoT things are video cameras–Have IP addresses and are configurable–Cheap andintegrated into mobile devices.–High data rates and bandwidth. Adding context to video-based IoT systems Recognizing people is crucial to human context. It modulates what
PSync: Visible Light-Based Time Synchronization for Internet of Things (IoT)
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Abstract:Time synchronization is an enabling service that allows devices to share aconsistent notion of time and thus makes it easier to build efficient and robust collaborativeservices. However, existing synchronization protocols based on wireless packet
Beaconholic: An Efficient Framework For Location Sensing Reminder Application Using IoT
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Abstract:The Beaconholic is an iphone operating system (iOS) application that provides alink between the Reminders on phone and Beacons in the real world. iBeacon is a trendingtechnology that provides new location awareness possibilities for applications.
Enabling Synergy in IoT: Platform to Service and Beyond
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Abstract:To enable a prosperous Internet of Things, devices and services must beextensible and adapt to changes in the environment or user interaction patterns. Theserequirements manifest as a set of design principles for each of the layers in an IoT
Enhancing Dependability of Cloud-based IoT Services through Virtualization
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Abstract:As Internet of Things (IoT) technology moves forward, more and more IoTprovided services are being pushed toward clouds. Since the operation of IoT services runsthe risk of failures due to lossy communication links and error prone nature of physical
BBOXX SMART Solar: a Case for Scalable Off-Grid Energy Services Enabled by IoT
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Abstract: This case study intends to show how Internet of Things (IoT) technology can beused to tackle development challenges by studying the example of BBOXX and its SMARTSolar platform as applied to Solar Home Systems. It aims to highlight the benefits of such
A Survey on Challenges, Technologies and Applications of IoT
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Abstract: This paper presents IOT (internet of things), which compromises capabilities todetect and connect worldwide physical object into an integrated system. As a measure ofinternet of things serious concerns are elevated over access of individual privacy and
Data Security and Privacy in the IoT
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ABSTRACT Deploying existing data security solutions to the Internet of Things (IoT) is notstraightforward because of device heterogeneity, highly dynamic and possibly unprotectedenvironments, and large scale. In this paper, after outlining key challenges in data security Abstract. Smart objects are devices with computational and communication capabilitiesconnected to the Internet forming the so called Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT enablesmany applications, for instance outdoor lighting control, smart energy and water
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ABSTRACT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is an environment in which objects (devices) aregiven unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without having human-to-human or humanto-computer interaction. Convergence of wireless technologies,
A Middleware for Data-centric and Dynamic Distributed Complex Event Processing for IoTReal-time Analytics in the Cloud
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Abstract. IoT big data real-time analytics systems need to effectively process and managemassive amounts of data from streams produced by distributed data sources. There aremany challenges in deploying and managing processing logic at execution time in those
IoT Communication Protocols in Healthcare
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Abstract This report is the result of a master's thesis with the goal of investigating which arethe most commonly used Internet of Things protocols in healthcare and creating a working